Freight Roadway Design Considerations
This document expands upon concepts presented in the Tampa Bay Regional Strategic Freight Plan and is one of the implementation actions recommended in the Plan. It provides ideas and suggestions to help roadway designers and transportation planners select designs that balance goods movement and livability, within the parameters established by FDOT manuals and policies.
The Freight Roadway Design Considerations is a resource for transportation planners and design engineers for considering and implementing context supportive roadway design solutions. The document identifies considerations for selecting appropriate design strategies relative to the function, multimodal characteristics, and land use context of roadway corridors. The design guidance has been integrated into the Florida Design Manual and supports and expands upon modal planning and design concepts in other FDOT manuals applicable statewide.
The Freight Roadway Design Considerations document is available for download here. Click here to view a PDF version of a presentation that summarizes the key aspects of the guidance.