Freight planning and programming in the Tampa Bay region is facilitated by the FDOT District Seven in partnership with diverse stakeholders that comprise the Goods Movement Advisory Committee (GMAC). The GMAC includes representation from transportation and land use planning agencies, intermodal entities, economic development groups, freight providers and others with an interest in improving freight mobility within the Tampa Bay region.
The GMAC fulfills the following key roles in support of a coordinated freight planning process in the region:
- Provide a framework to address freight mobility issues in the transportation planning process
- Ensure meaningful participation of the freight industry and economic development interests in the planning process
- Identify improvements and strategies to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of goods while minimizing impacts to community and environmental assets
- Recognize and develop transportation and land use policies that support freight mobility and economic development
The committee meets three to four times a year to coordinate freight initiatives in the region. It also serves as a forum to exchange freight logistics information and to discuss freight related issues and opportunities for improved freight transport.
Freight Partners
Thank you to all our partner agencies, groups, and institutions for keeping freight moving in Tampa Bay!