The Goods Movement Study was developed in partnership and collaboration with stakeholders representing various government entities, economic development organizations, and freight groups.
Goods Movement Advisory Committee
The GMAC guides and informs the freight planning process in the Tampa Bay region. It includes representation from transportation and land use planning agencies, intermodal entities, economic development groups, and freight distribution groups within the Tampa Bay region. Private sector entities that rely on freight travel for their businesses are also invited to these meetings to discuss issues they may have in freight movement.
The GMAC has the following key roles and responsibilities:
- Provide a framework to address freight mobility issues in the transportation planning process;
- Ensure meaningful participation of the freight industry and economic development interests in the planning process;
- Identify improvements and strategies to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of freight while minimizing impacts to community and environmental assets; and
- Recognize and develop transportation and land use policies that support freight mobility and economic development.
2017 GMAC Meeting Schedule
Meeting dates, times and locations will be posted as they become available.
February 1, 2017 GMAC Meeting Presentations
- Logistics Activity Center (LAC) Development Potential, Seckin Ozkul
- Port Tampa Bay Vision 2030, Ram Kancharla
- D7 Initiatives Update (CFID, Warehouse Database, Truck Parking), Renaissance Planning
Our partners include implementing agencies, MPOs/TPOs, intermodal agencies, economic development agencies, distribution groups, and research/academic institutions.