Laying the Foundation for Freight Movement in the Tampa Bay Region

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Welcome to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Tampa Bay Regional Goods Movement Study Website. The purpose of the Website is to provide local governments, freight stakeholders, and the public with information about the challenges and opportunities to move goods efficiently through and within the eight county Tampa Bay region. The Website provides access to the Tampa Bay Regional Strategic Freight Plan that represents a collaborative effort by the FDOT Districts Seven and One and a Goods Movement Advisory Committee consisting of planning agencies, MPOs/TPOs, intermodal agencies, economic development interests, and private freight providers in the Tampa Bay region.


Freight in Tampa Bay


Strategic Plan

The Tampa Bay Regional Strategic Freight Plan recognizes the connection between freight mobility and the region’s economy, and identifies strategies that will help move freight efficiently in the region while minimizing undesired effects on communities.



The Strategic Plan Resources section of the Website provides information related to the Strategic Plan and also national freight planning and research documents.



Planning agencies, intermodal transshipment agencies, economic development groups, as well as, rail and trucking entities have coordinated to define investment strategies to move freight in the Tampa Bay region more efficiently.



The Comprehensive Freight Improvement Database (CFID) organizes information about freight issues and needs in the Tampa Bay region and is available to support various planning and project development initiatives in the region.